Terms and Definitions
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Terms and Definitions
Terms and Definitions is a list of commonly used words and their definitions as it relates to NextGen Dynamic Forms Web Solution.
Administrator - A User with permissions that allow them to access and manage the administrative features of Dynamic Forms, which includes accessing the form submissions for their organization.
View Only Form Admin - Type of access to view form submissions for the organization(s) assigned to that user.
Full Form Admin - Type of access to view and process form submissions as well as manage forms in progress for the organization(s) assign to that user.
Application Programming Interface (API) - A set of functions or procedures that allows Dynamic Forms to access the features or data of another operating system, application, database or other service, such as Banner which houses Student Data.
Banner - Yale’s Student Information System and database that maintains and houses Student data.
Co-signer - Is any person who’s asked to access and submit their section of the form after the Form Owner.
External URL - The web address used for applicants outside of Yale that do not have an existing NetID and Password.
Designer - A User with permissions that allow them to build/edit forms within Dynamic Forms
Dynamic Forms - The technology or tool used to build sophisticated, interactive forms that are accessible online.
Dynamic Forms Exchange (DFE) - process which checks the Pending Work Queue for new form submissions and copies the new form submissions over to a Shared Folder or AppXtender profile, depending on the configuration.
Form Participant - Is any person who is accessing a form to be submitted.
NextGen - The Vendor that owns Dynamic Forms is called NextGen Web Solutions
Organization - Also known as an environment. Each Department or Office gets their own Organization which includes a Sandbox, which is their Test environment where their Designers will build forms and test forms. They also get a Production environment which is where all forms that are Activated and Live are located and administrative features and work queues are accessible by Administrators of the Organization.
Owner - (Form Owner) Is the person that initiates or starts the Form.
Sandbox - A test environment where forms are built and tested before being moved to Production. API service calls are aligned to Banners test environment (BAN2).
Single Sign On Uniform Resource Locator (SSO URL) - The internal web address which requires an applicant to CAS (Central Authentication System) in first using their existing NetID and Password.
Work Queues - The Queues aligned to each Form where a user can view and manage forms in progress, form submissions or forms that have been rejected (Returned for Revision)
Questions? Contact Dynamic Forms ITS Team by emailing DynamicForms.ITS@yale.edu