
How to configuring Name/Type Form Level Settings

Once you have created a new form, the Form Level Settings menu will allow you to set your Forms Name/Type.
NOTE: Sometimes it’s best to design your form first, then revisit and set these settings later.

*REMEMBER TO CLICK SAVE, highlighted in Red at bottom of screen, after modifying settings and before moving to another area.

Save Reminder

Name/Type - Form Level Settings can be found on the left side at the top of the menu. 



  • Name – Enter the name of your form, if you haven’t already
  • Description – Enter your forms description
  • Esign Requirements – Identify the e-signature requirements for your form; There are 3 options:
  1. None
  2. Single Signature
  3. Multiple Signatures

E-sign Requirements

1. None – No e-signature is required

  • Send Confirmation email? – Yes will give you the option of Using a custom confirmation email which allows you to design a custom confirmation email template, otherwise if Use custom confirmation email? is set to No, a default confirmation email of “Thank you for submitting your form” will be sent to applicant.

2. Single Signature – a single e-signature is required

  • Use Preferred Name at e-sign – Yes will enable the applicant to e-sign with their preferred name instead of their legal name.
  • Duplicate E-signature Check – determining if more than one form can be submitted by a single applicant.
  • Ignore duplicate submissions – means Dynamic Forms will allow multiple form submissions by a single applicant
  • Prevent duplicate submissions – means Dynamic Forms will prevent a single applicant from submitting more than one form submissions
    • How long do you want to prevent duplicate submissions? – Identify how long it will prevent a single applicant from submitting more than one form submission
    • Duplicate e-signature message – This is the screen that will be displayed to applicants if they attempt to submit more than one form submission during the time period you identified to prevent duplicate submissions.
  • Warn the user – means Dynamic Forms will allow multiple form submissions by a single applicant but will display a warning message to alert the applicant they are submitting more than one form submissions within a certain period of time.
    • How long do you want to prevent duplicate submissions? – see definition above
    • Duplicate e-signature message – see definition above
  • Custom opt-out notification – This is the message that will be displayed to applicants if they choose to opt-out of e-signing and request to actually ‘wet’ sign a form. Opting out of e-signing requires the applicant to print the form and physically sign the paper, then deliver it to your department/office. NOTE: Most students elect to e-sign and do not opt-out but we must give the option. *Dynamic Forms ITS team suggests you use the standard text provided - See Custom opt-out notification below.
  • Send Confirmation email? – Yes will give you the option of Using a custom confirmation email which allows you to design a custom confirmation email template, otherwise if Use custom confirmation email? is set to No, a default confirmation email of “Thank you for submitting your form” will be sent to applicant.

3. Multiple Signatures – Multiple participants or Multiple e-signatures will be required

  • Duplicate E-signature Check – see definition and options described above, under Single Signature
  • How often should reminder emails be sent to from participants? – This will identify how frequently a reminder notification should be sent to the other participants (besides the owner/applicant that initiated the form) to alert them a form requires their attention and is waiting for them to complete their section of a form.
  • Owner Notification email options – This determines the owner/applicant that initiated the form should be notified after each step (ie. after the other participants completed their section) or when completed (ie. after all participants have completed their section and submitted)

Reminder Emails

How often should reminder emails be sent to form participants? - This will automatically send reminder emails to form participants if they have not completed their section.

  • Single Participant Forms - Reminder emails are only sent if the form is rejected (Returned for Revision) back to that particpant that initialized or submitted the form. Therefore, the reminder email sent is the same email that was created when the form was rejected (Returned for Revision).
  • Multi-Particpant Forms - the reminder email sent is the same as the Customized Co-signer email that is enabled and created in Form Participants. It can be located by going to Partipcants (in the left side menu), then under Form Partipants, click Edit for the participant you want to Cusomize cosigner email (Participants > Edit Form Participant > Customize Cosigner email). 
  • Enable Reminder Emails - To enable the Reminder Emails, go to Name/Type, then set the frequency for how often Reminder Emails should be sent, as seen circled below in green:
Reminder Emails(1)
  • Reminder emails frequency can be configured to be sent as often as:
Reminder Email Frequency

E-signature Opt-Out Notification

Custom opt-out notification - Standard text suggested for e-signature opt-out instructions:

  • If you choose to opt out of electronically signing the form, use the “Opt out and print” link below to save and print your form, which will required your actual signature.
    The printed, signed form must the be sent to <Name of Department/Office> at <email or physical address>.
Custom opt-out notification

Other Name/Type Settings

  • Allow Drafts to be Saved – Yes will enable the “Save Progress” button to appear at the bottom of your form so an applicant can save their progress, log out and log back in at a later time to complete the rest of their form and submit.
  • Show form timer? Yes will display a timer to the applicant in the upper right corner to show applicant the amount of time spent completing the form. Note: We suggest setting this to No, unless a Timer is relavant to your form. 
  • Use Recaptcha validation? Yes will require the applicant to go through another level of security before accessing the form. Note: We suggest setting this to No, as Dynamic Forms and Yale University already has numerous security settings in place when accessing a form. 
  • Use Automatic Activation? Yes will enable you to set a time and date for when the form should be activated (accessible by applicants) and deactivated (made inaccessible to applicants).
  • Prompt User Before Submitting Form? – For use with forms using a signature widget, is Yes is selected it enables a window to be displayed validating the applicant meant to click the Submit Form button.
    • Use Custom Prompt Text? – Give the ability to customize the Prompt Text displayed in the window after applicant clicks the Submit Form button. If Yes, the Custom prompt text window will appear where you can design the text to be displayed to applicant before submitting their form.

*REMEMBER TO CLICK SAVE, highlighted in Red at bottom of screen, after modifying settings and before moving to another area.

Save Reminder

Questions? Contact Dynamic Forms ITS Team by emailing