Form Building Phases

Phases of Building a Form

Here are the phases you would go through when creating your own form. 

Our Dynamic Forms ITS Team can give an overview of each phase to ensure you are prepared and can deliver a quality form that meets your needs. Below are the phases that each form goes through and the list of required steps for all forms.

  • Requirements/Design – You can work internally with your department to collect the necessary requirements and design details or work from an existing paper-based form or Qualtrics Survey. This will help identify the features to be leveraged within Dynamic Forms.
  • Build – You can create a new form template or use an existing form and modify to meet your needs. Once you have a finalized draft, Dynamic Forms ITS Team will help you ensure all form settings are configured to meet your needs.
    • Required Steps: 
      1. Form Level Settings - Must be configured to meet your forms needs. Our support pages provide generic text for Form Level Settings such as Inactive Text, Confirmation Text, Opt-Out Notifications, etc. 
      2. Banner APIs - If you would like to leverage data from Banner within your form, you must submit a Data Usage Request and contact the Dynamic Forms ITS to have the API’s configured.
      3. ADA/WCAG Compliance and Yale Accessibility Compliance - Contact Dynamic Forms ITS Team once your form is finalized so we can review to ensure the form is ADA/WCAG compliant. 
  • Testing – We’ll help prepare you for testing to ensure all aspects and features of the form are working to your expectations. Some features must be temporarily modified to allow you to properly test all your forms functionalities.
    • Required Steps:
      1. Organization Level Settings - Dynamic Forms ITS Team will assist in the environment level settings such as enabling Preferred Name at e-sign, Forms history behavior, Log out URL, Reply-to Email Address, Return For Revisions Email Address, Payments, etc. 
      2. Testing Confirmation - Dynamic Forms ITS Team needs formal approval from your department to confirm that testing has occurred and was successful before migrating to Production. 
  • Migrate to Production – After Testing is completed and we’ve received your Approval, we can then migrate the form to production. This is normally a quick process but can take longer depending on the API’s included within the form or DFE added to form functionality.
    • Required Steps:
      1. Admin Access - Please inform the Dynamic Forms ITS Team if any other department resources need access to your forms submissions. 
  • Administrative – Administrator Resources support documentation gives details of the Admin features available to you which includes instructions on how to use them.

Questions? Contact Dynamic Forms ITS Team by emailing