Accessing Dynamic Forms

Accessing Dynamic Forms Site 

There are 2 ways to access Dynamic Forms. If you are internal to Yale and have a NetID and password with a valid ‘’ email address, you would use the SSO log in. If you are external to Yale and do not have a NetID and password or valid ‘’ email address, then you would use the Dynamic Forms account log in/Non-SSO log in.

Dynamic Forms SSO Log in (CAS)

As a Dynamic Forms Form Participant, Designer or Administrator you can access Dynamic Forms site by using the above URL, then CAS in (Yale’s Central Authentication System) using your existing NetID and Password. This will give you access to Dynamic Forms and based on your User Profile permissions granted, you will have access to certain Organizations/Environments.


SSO Log in

Accessing the site will allow you to either access your Pending/Draft Forms and Forms History as a Form Participant, build forms as a Designer or access and manage form submissions and workflow as an Administrator, depending on the permissions granted to your User Profile.

Common SSO Log in Errors

If you receive an error, please validate you have a yale email address in the exact format of Other formats such as ‘…’ or ‘…’ are not valid and you will need to contact the Identity Management Team to gain a valid email address in order to access Dynamic Forms via the SSO log in.

If you still receive an error, please contact us at so we can validate the values passed to Dynamic Forms during SSO log in. 

Dynamic Forms Account Log In / Non-SSO (Non-CAS) Log In 

If you are not internal to Yale and are a Form Participant trying to access a form that requires an e-signature, you will be asked to create a Dynamic Forms account once you click on the Forms URL. This allows Dynamic Forms to validate you are who you are e-signing as.

Forms that do not require an e-signature do not require a Dynamic Forms account.

As a Dynamic Forms Form Participant you can access Dynamic Forms site by using the above URL, then entering your Username and Password. 

DF Log in

Accessing the site will allow you to access your Pending/Draft Forms and Forms History as a Form Participant.

Related Information: 

Click on “Bookmarking Dynamic Forms site” to learn how to save the URL for quick access at a later time.
 - Designer Resources > Support Documents and Training > Bookmarking Dynamic Forms site
              *NOTE: It’s NOT as simple as just clicking Save/Favorites, as that will only save that specific log in instance and if you try and access at a later time, it will tell you your session has expired.

Questions? Contact Dynamic Forms ITS Team by emailing