Designate Participants

After adding your participants in the Participants menu, you must Edit each participant and identify how the participant will be designated. 

  • Participants > Form Participants > Edit > How will this participant be designated? 
  • Note: Designating Participants does not apply to the Owner of the form, only additional Form Participants.

How will this participant be designated?

  1. The ‘Owner-Participant 1’ user will specify the user - If the form utilizes the Broadcast or Sequential Workflow Type, this option allows the Form Owner to specify this Participant. If the form is using Post Form Routing (Let each Participant decide…) or Conditional, this option will allow the previous user to specify this Participant. 
  2. I will specify the user - Provide the Participant’s contact information which includes First Name, Last Name, Email Address in the Default User Details section. 
  3. The ‘Owner-Participant 1’ user will choose from a list I provide - Allows a previous user to choose form a list you provide. Add the Participants your list by entering their Description, First Name, Last Name and Email Address in the Default Users List section. 
  4. The ‘Owner-Participant 1’ user will choose from a list obtained from an API call - An API service call will prefill a list of Participants that the Owner will choose from. 
  5. I will specify multiple users/groups - Allows you to specify multiple users and/or groups that are able to sign as this Participant. If there are several differnt people that have permission to sign this form, such as different Admins within a specific department, you can assign those users to this Participant, allowing them all to receive an email request to sign this form. Once one of the users review and sign the form, all other users will no longer be able to sign as this Participant. Instead they will receive an email stating that the form has already been signed. You must provide the users or groups that you want to assign to this Participant. The users and groups must be assigned to this Organization in order for them to appear within the users or groups field. 
  6. The participant will be designated from values collected on the form - Allows you to specify this Participant based on responses collected within the form. In the Participant Details section, use the drop down lists to select the Form Items captured within the form for the Participant’s First Name, Last Name and Email Address.
  7. The particiant will be a group designated by API call - An API service call will identify the group which includes the Participants that are able to sign as this Participant. Once one of the Participants review and sign the form, all other Participants will not longer be able to sign as this Participant. Instead they will receive an email stating that the form has already been signed. 

Most commonly used designation types:

  • I will specify the user - This allows you to hard code the Participant by providing their First Name, Last Name and Email Address.
  • The participant will be designated from values collected on the form - This allows you to use the information collected on the form to identify this Participant. 

Questions? Contact Dynamic Forms ITS Team by emailing