Designer Resources

Dynamic Forms is an easy to use, user intuitive technology that does not require any technical skills to create a sophisticated, interactive paperless form.

Our Dynamic Forms ITS Team at Yale can provide support to you and your department if you choose to build your form yourself. (See Form Build Options) Other areas of support for Designers are provided via this Dynamic Forms Support Site under Designer Resources.

Joining the Dynamic Forms User Group is another great way to collaborate with over 175+ higher education institutions across the United States that also use Dynamic Forms. With over 535+ members, we share tips, tricks, work-arounds, suggest enhancements and so much more….

User Group Sign-Up

Dynamic Forms Designer support includes:

  • Kick off Discussions – Provides a quick overview on how to request access, kick off discussions with our Dynamic Forms ITS team and a description of the phases you go through to get a form into Production.
  • Form Building Phases - Describes the build phases, your engagement and the necessary steps to create a form. 
  • Start Building a Form - Provides a quick guide to starting to build a new form.
    • Accessing your Organization - Details different Organizations available to you, Organization settings that you can configure, and how to access Organizations. 
    • Add a New Form - Step by step instructions to adding a new form and guidelines for building forms.
    • Form Level Settings - Details pertaining to the setting you can configure at the form level.
    • Add Multiple Participants - How to enable, add and configure multiple participants.
      • Configure Multiple Participant Emails - Identifies the differnt types of emails you can configure and how to customize them. .
      • Workflow - Describes how to configure a Form’s Workflow if there is conditional logic that must be applied to route a Form to a specific Participant/Co-signer. 
    • Add Signature(s) - E-signature options and how to configure.
  • Form Items – Provides an overview on how to apply some of the common features offered within Dynamic Forms.
    • Prefill Fields using User Profile - Describes how to configure Form Items to prefill based on basic information available from User Profile after a Participant CAS’es into the Form. 
    • Tooltips - Describes how to configure Tooltips for a Form Item.
    • Custom Validation Text - Describes how to configure Custom Validation Text for a Form Item.
    • Rules - Describes how you can configure and apply IF/THEN Rules to Show or Hide Form Items. 
    • Calculated Fields - <coming soon>
  • Best Practices - Provides a list of Yale University’s compliance requirements, guidelines and usability tips to ensure consistency and legal regulations are met while building your form. 
  • Banner Data – A list of fields that are available from Banner.
  • Testing your Form - Provides details on how you can test your form in preparations to migrate to Production. 
  • Form URLs - Provides details around the types of Form URLs available and how to identify or create which Form URL works best for your form.
    • Publishing Form URL(s) – Provides a quick guide for finding your external forms URL, creating your forms SSO URL and publishing these URLs to make accessible to applicants. 
  • Support Documentation – Provides support documentation related to Dynamic Forms.
  • User Group Community – Details around the listserv User Group Community for Dynamic Forms which includes Colleges and Universities across the United States that also use Dynamic Forms.
if there are any other features you wish there was support documentation for, please send us your suggestion and we will add it to this support site. 

Questions? Contact Dynamic Forms ITS Team by emailing