Add Multiple Participants

How to Add Multiple Participants to your Form

There are currently 3 separate areas that must be addressed when you have multiple participants that must access a single form. 

1. Enabling Multiple Participants at Form Level - At the form level, you must first enable the ability for your form to handle multiple participants by enabling Multiple Signatures.

Note: Multiple Signatures must be selected to enable multiple participants. 

  • Action > Edit Form Temple > Name/Type > E-sign Requirements = Multiple Signatures
Multiple Signatures

2. Identifying Participants - After Multiple Signatures is enabled, the Participants Menu will appear which will allow you to identify each participant, determine how the participant will be identified and configure their emails, notifications and confirmation screens. 

  • Action > Edit Form Temple > Participants > Add New Participants - to identify and add each participant
  • Action > Edit Form Temple > Participants > Edit - to configure each participant, configure their emails, notifications and confirmation screens
Identifying Participants

3. Identifying Participant Section of Form - When multiple signatures/participants has been enabled, each form item’s ‘Section’ must be aligned to a specific participant, which identifies who should be giving a response for that form item.

  • For each Form Item > Advanced > Section > select participant responsible for giving a response for that form item.

Participant’s section colors - Once each form item has its ‘section’ aligned to a specific participant the response boxes become color coded. Each participant’s response boxes will dispay as a different color in your design view (one color per participant) so you can easily identify which form items you’ve identified to be completed by which participant. 

  • Example - Each participant whos section is assigned will be displayed as a different color in the design view, as seen below: 
Participant_Colored Sections(1)


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