Workflow Type

Workflow type identifies the process for which the participants will be notified to access their section of the form. 

To set the Workflow type, go to the Participants menu, then select your Workflow Type from the drop down list, as seen circled in green below:


There are 4 types of workflow options available. 

  1. Broadcast to all form participants - After the Owner completes submits, all remaining Form Participants known as Co-signers, will be notified simultaneously via email that they can now access the form to complete their sections, e-sign and submit. 
  2. Route the form sequentially as each section is completed - MOST COMMONLY USED - After the Owner submits, the remaining Co-signers are contacted in a pre-determined order and notified via email that its their turn to access the form to complete their section. e-sign and submit. After they submit, the next Co-signer will be notified and so on, in sequential order as identified in the Participants menu. 
  3. Let each participant decide where the form is routed next - Allow the participants to identify where the form should be routed to next.
  4. Conditional Routing - Create a custom Workflow that includes conditional logic to determine where the form should be routed to next. Selecting this option will make the Workflow menu appear. 

EXAMPLES of Workflow Types:

Lets say you’ve created a form used by a Student to request a class be dropped. The form includes 3 Participants: Student/Owner, Instructor and Adviser.

  1. Broadcast to all form participants - After the Owner of the form submits, co-signer emails are sent to all remaining Participants at the same time.
    • After the Student completes their section and submits form, Co-signer emails will go out to both the Instructor and Adviser at the same time to inform them of the Students request and that they both can now access the form to give their approval and submit.   
  2. Route the form sequentially as each section is completed - The form is routed sequentially based on the order identified in the Participants menu.
    • After the Student completes their section and submits form, Co-signer email will go to Instructor to inform them they can access the form and submit. After Instructor submits, the co-signer email will go to Adviser to inform them they can now access form and submit.
  3. Let each participant decide where the form is routed next - The Participants can select anyone they want, so you should validate this is the best option before selecting this Workflow Type.
    • The Student would get to select who the form is routed to next by entering the participant’s information (hopefully identifying the Instructor’s information in this case). Then the Instructor would get to select the next Participant, in this case it would be the Adviser.
  4. Conditional Routing Example - Selecting this option allows you to configure your own Workflow and apply conditional logic to determine where to route the form to next.
    • You can apply conditions that state if the Student selected to drop a Math course, that the form be routed to the Math Instructor next. Else if the Student seleted a Biology course, then the form is routed to the Biology Instructor. You can apply another condition that states only if the Instructor approved the request to drop the course that the form then be routed to the Advisor. Else if the Instructor denied the request, then the form be routed to the Dean for further review. 

Hide unused signature lines?

Underneath the Workflow Type drop-down list is the option to Hide unused signature lines.

When set to Yes, it will prevent the unused signature lines from appearing on the form. We suggest enabling this feature to reduce confusion and ensure only the applicable Form Participant’s signature line is displayed when they are in the Form.

Questions? Contact Dynamic Forms ITS Team by emailing