Participant Emails

In a multiple participant form, there are various emails that can be enabled and customized. This page identifies the emails related to those participants, the purpose of each email and what triggers those emails to be sent.

You can configure and modify Participant emails by accessing the Design view of your form, then going to the Participant menu and Editing each Participant, which will give you options to configure that Participants related emails. 

  • Form Name > Action > Edit Form Template > Participants > (select Participant) Edit > configure the related Participant emails

Participant 1 - Owner

Participant 1 is always the Form Owner - Participant that initialized the form.

  • Confirmation email - Email sent to Participant after submitting their section of the form. You must enable the Send confirmation email? and enable Customize confirmation email? in order to create your own email to the Owner of the form. 
Confirmation Email_enable
  • Instruction Text - We do not use this section, as forms are configured to automatically route to the appropriate Participants. If the form is configured to have the Owner identify the other Participants of the form, then information entered as Instruction Text will be displayed to the Participant/Owner before the forms loads and the Owner will determine who the form is routed to after they submit their section. 
  • Confirmation Text - What is displayed on the screen after this participant submits their section of the form. 

Additional Participants/Co-signers

  • Co-signer Email - This email is sent after the prior Participant submits their section of the form. This co-signer email is used to notify the participant that they can now access the form to complete their section and submit. You must enable Customize cosigner email? in order to create your own email to the Co-signer of the form.
    • See below Co-Signer/Reminder Email section for instructions on how to configure Co-signer email.
Cosigner Email_enable
  • The Automatically insert cosigner link? should also be enabled, as it will includes a direct link to the form so the Co-signer can easily access and complete their section of the form. This feature is found within the customizable Co-signer email settings.  Note: If the Co-signer is internal to Yale, the SSO Link in Notification? must be enabled as well, to ensure the Co-signer is directed to the Yale CAS log in page before being directed to the form.
Cosigner link_insert
  • Confirmation Email - Email sent to Co-signer after they submit their section of the form. You must enable the Send confirmation email? and enable Customize confirmation email? in order to create your own email to the Co-signer of the form. 
Confirmation Email_enable
  • Owner Notification Email - Email sent to Owner/Participant 1, to inform them that this Co-signer has completed their section of the form. You must enable Customize owner notification? in order to create your own email to the Owner of the form.
Owner Notification_enable
  • Confirmation Text - What is displayed on the screen after this Co-signer submits their section of the form. 

Co-signer/Reminder Email

  • Enable Customized Reminder Email/Co-signer Email - For Multi-Particpant forms only, the Reminder Email sent to the participant is the same email as the Co-Signer email. To customize the Co-signer/Reminder email, go to Participants menu, then go to Edit Form Participant as seen circled below in green:
  • Particpants menu > Form Participants > Edit > Customize Co-Signer Email: Configure co-signer email
Reminder Email_Edit Participants
  • Customized Reminder Email/Co-signer Email - To enable the Reminder Email/Co-Signer email set the Customize cosigner email? to Yes. Then customize the Co-signer/Reminder email found below it, as seen circled below in green:
Customize Co-Signer Email(1)

Customize Email

All emails can be customized to meet your forms needs and can reference any field or response from the form.

Once you enable the customized email, the Email settings will be displayed so you can configure the Subject and Email body.


Customize Email

Use the Dynamic Email values and the User-entered form values to pull in fields from the form into your email. Select the field you want to add to your email from the drop-down list, then click Add to Subject or Add to Body to add that field to the appropriate location within the email. 

Customize Email_field values

EXAMPLE - I want to include the final decision response given by the Adviser that was captured within the form, in the Owner Notification email back to the Student to inform them of their requests final outcome, whether its been approved or declined. 

My form item that captures the approval is named Final_Decision. Your form item name that captures the decision is whatever you named it within the form. 

So I configure the email and where I want the final decision field to be displayed in the email, I simply place my cursor at that location, then select the Final_Decision form item from the drop-down list and click Add to Body. The email now references the {Final_Decision} form item in the body of the email, as seen below referenced in green. 

Customize Email_reference values

Based on the above Owner Notification email configured, the email received looks like this:

Owner Notification_received(1)

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