Posting to Microsoft Teams Channel

Posting to Microsoft Teams Channel

Microsoft Team at Yale University

Dynamic Forms can automatically post to a Microsoft Teams Channel. This allows anyone within that Teams Channel to view the data passed from Dynamic Forms, which can include form submission data, based on your preferences. 

You can configure the Dynamic Forms Admin Notificaiton email to include any data collected within the form by referencing those fields using the {fancy brackets}. Once the email is configured, set the recipient to the Teams Channel email address. Once the Teams Channel receives the email, it automatically posts it to the Channel so anyone with access to that Channel can view. 

See Admin Notifications to learn how to configure the Admin Notifications email. 

Designer Resources > Start Building a Form > Form Level Settings > Admin Notifications

Include the Teams Channel Email Address under the Notification Email Recipient(s) area, along with any other email addresses that should recieve the notification. 

Identify the Microsoft Teams Channel Email Address

You must identify the Teams Channel Email Address to setup the automatic posting of Dynamic Forms data.

  1. To identify the Teams Channel Email Address, open Teams and go to the specific Channel where you want the Dynamic Forms data posted. 
MS Team Channel
  1. In the upper right corner, click on the 3 dots to go to the drop down menu and select Get Email Address. 
MS Teams Channel_GetEmailAddress
  1. The email address provided is the email address you will enter under Notification Email Recipient(s) within the Admin Notification section of Dynamic Forms. 
MS Teams Channel_EmailAddress(1)

After using the MS Teams Channel Email Address within Dynamic Forms Admin Notifications, the Admin Notifications email will automatically be posted to the Teams Channel when new Form Submission come in. 

<Insert example of what the MS Teams Channel posting of a DF Admin Notification Email looks like>