Submitting DUR

How to Submit a Data Usage Request for Banner APIs

If you are creating a Dynamic Form that will use a Banner API which retrieves data from Banner to prefill a field(s) on a form, please complete the Data Usage Request to gain approval to access the data in Banner and permissions to connect the Banner API to your specific form.

1. To complete the Data Usage Request, visit the Banner Support site -

2. Log in so you can click “Submit a New Request” 


3. Complete the request by answering the questions. Below is a guide of how to answer each question related to the use within Dynamic Forms. 


If the Next button at the bottom is grayed out, check the following responses and ensure you have selected a valid answer from the drop-down list or that your response is formatted correctly. 

  • Requestor - This field is normally prefilled with your name. If it’s not, type in your <last name>, <first name> and your name with email address will appear in the drop-down list, which you can then select, as seen below: 
  • When do you need this data by? - Select a date from the Calendar or enter date using format MM/DD/YYYY.
  • Student Data Population - Select applicable population(s) from drop-down list, if you are unsure then select “All Students”. 

4. After submitting this Data Usage Request, please forward the Confirmation Email you recieved to and we’ll start the discussions with our Dynamic Forms Development Team to determine when the API can be created/modified. 

Questions? Contact Dynamic Forms ITS Team by emailing